Visit to the National Assembly

ℹ️ On October 28, 2022 (Friday), a student visit to the National Assembly was held, initiated by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) .

📋 Students attended a plenary session where two projects were discussed:

1️⃣ Draft decision to elect a committee on constitutional issues;

2️⃣ Draft decision to elect a committee on legal issues.

👥 Afterwards, students had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss public issues with current MPs and former Deputy Prime Minister.

💬 We express our gratitude to the staff of the National Assembly who took the time to tell us a little more about the history of the previous National Assemblies and the functions of the institution.

Visit-discussion at the Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria

🗣️ On October 27, 2022 the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) organized a visit-discussion to the Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria.

📜 The students had the opportunity to get familiar with the authentic ambience of the building, get acquainted with its history and visit the library where valuable publications and objects are kept.

They also visited emblematic halls, such as "Hall of Coat of Arms" and "Hall of Mirrors", and the Presidential Library.

👥 At the end of the visit, the students had a meeting with the President's advisers on Foreign Policy and Legal Affairs. They were introduced to the role and importance of the presidential institution in international relations.

📜 IRRSA expresses its deep gratitude to Mrs. Elena Slavova and the team of the Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria!

(Български) Участие на САИМО в “Ambassadors’ league” – благотворителен футболен турнир

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Visit to the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

🔈On 11.10.2022, a student visit organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) was held at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1️⃣ The students were welcomed in the "Antarctica" Hall by the leading speakers - Mrs. Tanya Mihailova, director of the Diplomatic Institute, along with Mr. Yulian Kitipov, adviser in the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The opening of the meeting began with an introduction to the diplomatic service and a presentation of the profession 'diplomat'. Mr. Kitipov introduced the young guests to the dynamic world of diplomacy, presenting his life experience. After the detailed introduction, the students were given the opportunity to ask their questions to the lecturers.

2️⃣ In the second part of the visit, Mrs. Irena Dimitrova, ambassador with special mandates for building resilience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave a presentation on the topic "Building resilience within NATO and the EU in the context of the war in Ukraine" and answered in detail to the questions of the students.

3️⃣ The meeting ended with a visit to the Library of the Diplomatic Institute, where the students were introduced to its history, storage and publications.

(Български) Вътрешни обучения: “Какво е НПО?” и “Какво е публично събитие?”

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(Български) Среща на клубовете в УНСС

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(Български) Предизборен дебат за външна политика

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(Български) Предизборен дебат за външна политика

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(Български) Кампания “Лигата на младите гласоподаватели”

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(Български) Покана за Извънредно Общо събрание – 2022 г.

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