Visit to the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

🔈On 11.10.2022, a student visit organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) was held at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1️⃣ The students were welcomed in the "Antarctica" Hall by the leading speakers - Mrs. Tanya Mihailova, director of the Diplomatic Institute, along with Mr. Yulian Kitipov, adviser in the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The opening of the meeting began with an introduction to the diplomatic service and a presentation of the profession 'diplomat'. Mr. Kitipov introduced the young guests to the dynamic world of diplomacy, presenting his life experience. After the detailed introduction, the students were given the opportunity to ask their questions to the lecturers.

2️⃣ In the second part of the visit, Mrs. Irena Dimitrova, ambassador with special mandates for building resilience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave a presentation on the topic "Building resilience within NATO and the EU in the context of the war in Ukraine" and answered in detail to the questions of the students.

3️⃣ The meeting ended with a visit to the Library of the Diplomatic Institute, where the students were introduced to its history, storage and publications.

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